

Empowering You To Grow and Thrive


Working Together

At BCC we provide expert mental health consultation services tailored for organizations and fellow mental health professionals. Our goal is to enhance your team's effectiveness and resilience through evidence-based strategies and insights. We offer workshops, training sessions, and one-on-one consultations, focusing on topics such as stress management, team dynamics, and mental health best practices. Partner with us to empower your organization and staff with the tools needed for sustained mental well-being.

Workplace Mental Health Assessment

Evaluating the mental health needs of an organization to tailor programs and interventions.

Stress Management Workshops

Providing tools and techniques to manage workplace stress effectively.

Resilience Training

Teaching strategies to build resilience among staff to handle work-related challenges.

Conflict Resolutions Strategies

Offering techniques and interventions to improve communication and resolve conflicts within teams.

Our Approach


If are are experiencing a mental health emergency please call 911. If you feel as if you are going to hurt yourself or someone else please call 911.

1‑800‑273‑TALK (8255) or Live Online Chat

If you or someone you know is suicidal or in emotional distress, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Trained crisis workers are available to talk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Help Resources

Mobile Crisis Outreach Team (MCOT)  512-472-4357

Crisis Help Line – For Any Kind of Crisis | 800-233-4357

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

National Crisis Text Line: Text NAMI to 741741

Trevor Project Hotline: 866-488-7386 Resources and hotline for LGBTQ youth

Community Resources


Austin Child Guidance Center 512-451-2242

Georgetown Behavioral Health 877-500-9151

Austin Oaks Hopistal 512-440-4800

Changes 512-746-7345


Sometime situations become overwhelming and we feel as though we are drowning, we cannot breathe, or we become anxious. There are moments when we feel emotions we cannot explain that seem to over power us for no apparant reasons. When immidate resources are not availible there are exercises you can practice to ground yourself. Feel free to reveiw the following exercise. 

If you are suicidal or homicidal call 988.

Square Breathing

Feeling a little over whelmed, anxious, or stressed? Need a little break? Try the following exercise. Pick a corner as a starting point. Count to 4 as you breath in, at the next corner hold for 4 counts, on the next corner release with a count of 4, and repeat. 

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